European shipowners are committed to the EU’s climate goals

European shipowners are committed to supporting the EU’s goal of becoming the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050. Achieving this requires making clean and safe fuels available in sufficient quantities at an affordable price. EU legislation should mandate fuel suppliers to produce sufficient clean fuels for the maritime sector. Developing port infrastructures and energy hubs is crucial.

Revenues from the EU ETS should fund energy transition activities, and the Innovation Fund should be utilised and extended beyond 2030 to bridge the price gap between conventional and clean fuels. Today, clean fuels can be upwards of five times as expensive as conventional fuels. Reducing administrative burdens will help SMEs, the backbone of the shipping sector, access these funds.

ECSA welcomes the ratification of the IMO Hong Kong Convention on ship recycling, which ensures a global level playing field. A revision of the Convention upon its entry into force should enforce high safety and environmental standards uniformly. ECSA calls for aligning the EU Ship Recycling Regulation with the Convention.

Additionally, ECSA supports the IMO’s historic agreement to reach net-zero GHG emissions from international shipping by 2050. Alignment of the EU legislation with the future IMO instruments will ensure a level playing field in the sector.

Read the ECSA Priorities 2024-2029