ECSA 2nd F.I.T. lunchtime webinar – Innovation (15 June 2021)

ECSA F.I.T. lunchtime webinars – Finance, Innovation, Transition


The shipping and financial services stakeholders are meeting online to discuss the current opportunities and challenges of ship financing.


ECSA is organising an event to bring together regulators, maritime experts and the financial services stakeholders to discuss the currently ongoing finance initiatives and to find practical and usable solutions for facilitating the European ambitions.


In the times ahead, the European shipping industry is facing both opportunities and challenges.

The shipping industry needs sufficiently available and affordable financing to keep its commitment to work towards a sustainable economy. The success of the shipping industry goes hand in hand with the success of the financial services industry. Let it be regulator or market actor, the shipping industry and the financial services industry need to join forces to get one step closer towards the common goal. 

European shipowners cooperate with the shipbuilding sector, ports, equipment manufacturers and the research community, to name just a few. This facilitates innovative and sustainable solutions to drive the whole maritime industry together towards a greener future in key areas such as air emissions, waste management, and the protection of marine life. The European shipping industry embraces these challenges and is committed to taking the global lead for green shipping.


The second webinar – Innovation on 15 June (12:30-13:50 CEST) is focusing on the long-term financing needs and possible tools provided for not yet existing technology solutions for the shipping industry going down on a sustainable route.


Programme includes:


Introduction and reminder of ECSA F.I.T. and the points brought up in the first webinar, by Martin Dorsman, ECSA Secretary General 


Panel discussion on Innovation

Setting the scene: Christopher Rex, Head of Innovation and Research, Danish Ship Finance


Erwin Derlagen, COO, Enesel Ltd;

Christopher Rex, Head of Innovation and Research, Danish Ship Finance;

Henk J. Prins, Chairman, Waterborne TP;

Martin Prokosch, Vice President, Head of ZeroLab, Torvald Klaveness


Moderator: Marjolein Van Noort, KVNR


Round-up by the moderator



How to join ECSA live events


For further information on the webinars, you are welcome to contact Francesco Tanzi, Senior Advisor Communications/PR (



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