Parliamentary event on “EU Ship Recycling Rules: carrot, stick or illusion?”

On May 5, MEP Jens Gieseke (Transport committee/EPP) and MEP Søren Gade (Chair of EP India Delegation/Renew) co-hosted an event organised by ECSA with industry representatives and NGOs on the EU Ship Recycling regulatory framework.  


In his opening speech, Martin Dorsman, Secretary General of ECSA, pointed out that ECSA has launched an open and constructive dialogue with all the stakeholders highlighting the contribution of the EU Ship Recycling Regulation to the significant progress made in India over the last years.

The panel discussion was moderated by Martin Kröger, Managing Director of Verband Deutscher Reeder, Chair of ECSA Safety and Environment Committee. The panel featured:

  • N Ashok Kumar, Adviser Industry and Engineering, Embassy of India to the EU
  • Ingvild Jenssen, Executive Director, NGO Shipbreaking Platform
  • Simon Bergulf, Director for Regulatory Affairs of Maersk A.P. Moller


All stakeholders need to work together to extend the EU list in an uncomplicated manner. To be on it is a win-win situation for everyone: the industry, the recyclers, the workers and the environment. It is in our common interest that yards, that fulfil all necessary requirements, are on the EU list and therefore eligible to recycle European vessels.” said Jens Gieseke, Member of Transport Committee of the European Parliament with EPP.

Søren Gade, Chair of the European Parliament’s Delegation on relations with India and a member of the Transport Committee with Renew Europe added that “the EU should recognise the tremendous progress made in some ship recycling facilities in India in terms of environmental protection and working conditions. The EU should support the global recycling market and higher environmental standards internationally instead of undermining open trade. A future expansion of the EU list of approved facilities is needed and a bilateral agreement between the EU and India has become a prerequisite for it. EU Member States and the Commission should act promptly so that the negotiations between the EU and India begin as soon as possible.

Martin Dorsman, Secretary General of ECSA, pointed out that “access of EU shipowners to recycling facilities outside the EU or OECD should not be limited by any EU measures. It’s an illusion to think all EU controlled or EU flagged vessels can be recycled in Europe. There is an urgent need for the swift ratification of the Hong Kong Convention”.

ECSA looks forward to a continued fruitful cooperation with EU institutions and envisages organising a follow-up event to take stock of the progress of the file and to discuss the shipping industry’s input.


Watch the event at:

For more information, please contact: Francesco Tanzi, ECSA Senior Advisor Communications/PR