The shipping and financial services industries are meeting

in the Press Club, Brussels on 20 January 2020 between 14.00 – 17.00

to discuss the future opportunities and challenges regarding ship financing

ECSA is organising an event to bring together technical maritime experts and the financial services stakeholders to find practical and usable solutions for facilitating the European ambitions.

In the times ahead, the European shipping industry is facing both opportunities and challenges.

The shipping industry needs sufficient – available and affordable – financing to keep its commitment and to work towards a sustainable economy. The success of the shipping industry goes hand in hand with the success of the financial services industry. Let it be regulator or market actor, the shipping industry and the financial services industry need to join forces to get one step closer towards the common goal. 

European shipowners cooperate with the shipbuilding sector, ports, equipment manufacturers and the research community. This facilitates innovative and sustainable solutions to drive the whole maritime industry together towards a greener future in key areas such as air emissions, waste management, and the protection of marine life. The European maritime industry embraces these challenges and is committed to taking the global lead for clean shipping.

You can register by sending an e-mail to Katalin Dobranszky-Bartus, Given the restricted availability of places, we encourage you to register as soon as possible.


The foreseen programme:

14.00-14.10            “We’re All in the Same Boat”: welcome by ECSA – Martin Dorsman, ECSA

14.10-15.10             Keynotes:

                                Characteristics of the EU shipping industry, the future of funding – Christos Gortsos, Professor of Public Law, University of Athens

                                Case Study – Gonzague ARCHAMBEAUD, CFO, Louis Dreyfus Armateurs (FR)

                                Banking sector/financial markets views – Gonzalo Gasos, Head of Prudential Policy and Supervision, European Banking Federation

15.10-16.30             Section on SHIP & FINANCE future opportunities and challenges

                                Moderator:        Marjolein Van Noort, KVNR

                                Keynote:           European Commission, DG MOVE

                                Panelists:          European Commission, DG FISMA,

                                                         Dr Alfred Sant, Member of the European Parliament, S&D, Malta, Member of the ECON

                                                         European Investment Bank

                                                         Member of the Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance

                                                         Michael Frisch, CCO, Danish Ship Finance

                                                         Fabrizio Vettosi, CEO, Venice Shipping and Logistics S.p.A. (IT)

                                                         Ludovic Saverys, CFO, CMB (TBC)

16.30 – 17.00          “All mixed up”: closing remarks with a cocktail