Brexit: European shipping industry urges for negotiated settlement that includes transition period

In a letter today to the EU’s Chief Negotiator for the exit of the UK from the EU, Mr Michel Barnier, ECSA and its member the UK Chamber of Shipping strongly urge for a negotiated settlement that includes a transition period.

“Given the importance of an orderly exit and the severe consequences for the European economy, which is very well known to you and your team, we fully support your efforts to reach a final agreement acceptable for both sides and safeguarding key European interests,” wrote Martin Dorsman, ECSA’s Secretary-General.

The European shipping industry regrets that despite the much-appreciated hard work and commitment over the years to make an orderly Brexit possible, all those efforts did not yet lead to a final agreement.

The letter underlines the economic repercussions on both sides of the Channel in the event of a no-deal scenario at this late stage. It also emphasises that the key priority for the industry is a negotiated settlement that allows time to prepare.

Chief executive of the UK Chamber of Shipping, Bob Sanguinetti, said:

“We have been working closely with our members, the UK government and European shipowners over the past three years. We continue to believe that a negotiated settlement which allows the continued free flow of trade between the UK and the EU is the best outcome for all parties.

“We urge the EU and the UK to work together over the coming weeks to ensure we achieve a negotiated settlement that includes a transition period and avoid a damaging no-deal Brexit.”

Attached to the letter is ECSA’s position paper, that reflects the latest insights and developments – including the already visible consequences sustained by the business community resulting from the uncertainties around Brexit.

Click here to download ECSA’s position paper.