ECSA urges parties at IMO to conclude on ambitious GHG reduction targets

ECSA has always maintained that shipping has to contribute substantially to global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and will always be committed to most proactive and realistic reduction aspirations.

ECSA’s President Panos Laskaridis said: “With the IMO MEPC 72 meeting fast approaching, the European Shipowners reiterate their strongest possible commitment to the development, within the time schedule agreed in the Roadmap, of an ambitious and realistic IMO strategy on GHG, including CO2 emissions reductions from shipping as a whole and urges Member States to work diligently towards this goal”.

The shipping industry has traditionally spared no effort to enhance the safety and environmental protection and is by far the most energy efficient transport mode. It was also the first industrial sector, way ahead of any other global industry, to be regulated by legally binding global regulations to reduce its CO2 emissions, through two IMO’s measures, the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP), both in force since 2013. IMO’s proven track record in developing pioneering and technically feasible environmental measures should be entrusted and supported.

Mr. Laskaridis firmly believes that the conclusion of an agreement at the forthcoming IMO MEPC 72 is imperative for addressing GHG emissions reductions from international shipping meaningfully and effectively and it is committed to facilitate this process, working closely and in good faith with all stakeholders.

The European Shipowners believe that all proposals by IMO Member States should be discussed on their own merit, as the negotiations have reached a very sensitive and political stage. Mr. Laskaridis concluded by saying that: “It is in this context that ECSA strongly supports and advocates an insightful compromise approach by Member States and the European Institutions in order to reach an agreement, which is the objective for the benefit of the industry and the environment”.

For more information, please contact:

Martin Dorsman

Secretary General

Rue Ducale, Hertogstraat 67/B2

1000 Brussels, Belgium

T+ 32 2 510 61 26