More EU budget for transport, the best investment plan for Europe

To complete the Trans European (TEN-T) Network, 750 billion euros is still needed. 30 European transport associations, representing infrastructure managers, operators, local authorities, users and equipment suppliers in the maritime, inland waterways, railways, road, cycling, aviation and intermodal sectors, call for strong financial support for the completion of the network

European citizens and customers require safer, ever more secure, reliable, efficient, green, multimodal and smart mobility but also better connectivity between nodes and modes of transport. This can be made possible by modernising the transport sector and completing the TEN-T network, the construction and upgrade of transport infrastructure across the European Union.


Better transport infrastructure is also an investment in long term growth and jobs. The TEN-T completion will create 10 million additional jobs by 2030.


Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) grants remain a vital ingredient to complete the TEN-T network. Without CEF grants, the transport sector cannot take advantage of the financial instruments offered by the Juncker Plan (EFSI). Therefore, the transport sector urges the European Parliament and Council to increase the CEF budget in the upcoming review of the Multi-Annual Financial Framework.

Please check the campaign leaflet here.


For more information, please contact:

Karoliina Rasi
Director – Public Affairs & Communications
Rue Ducale, Hertogstraat 67/B2, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
T +32 2 510 61 29
M +32 476 349 263

Eirini Tsakona
Policy Advisor – Shipping and Trade Policy

Rue Ducale, Hertogstraat 67/B2, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
T +32 2 510 61 22