European Maritime Social Partners welcome the Directive ensuring the welfare of seafarers

The European Maritime Social Partners warmly welcome the European Commission’s adoption of their proposal to update their Agreement on the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC).  The ILO MLC amendments entered into force on 18 January 2017 and require shipowners to provide financial security to ensure the repatriation of seafarers and the payment of contractual claims from seafarers or their dependants in respect of death in service or long-term disability.

The MLC 2006 sets minimum requirements to improve seafarers’ working and living conditions including recruitment and placement practices, conditions of employment, hours of work and rest, repatriation, annual leave, payment of wages, accommodation, recreational facilities, food and catering, health protection, occupational safety and health, medical care, onshore welfare services and social protection.

ETF spokesperson Mark Dickinson, said, “It is important that ECSA and ETF are able to keep their European agreement on the MLC up to date as we must not forget this Convention is a living instrument for the continued  improvement of seafarers’ living and working conditions. We are therefore very pleased that the Commission has supported us in our aims by adopting our proposals for amending the Agreement on the MLC to incorporate the amendments made by the ILO in 2014.  We hope that they will be similarly adopted by the Council with the minimum delay.”

This is the third occasion on which the maritime Social Partners have agreed to make legally-binding European agreements. The first was the Agreement on Working Time for Seafarers and the second the agreement on the MLC.  “We are proud of what we have achieved through the maritime social dialogue. Our constructive relations and co-operation have resulted in numerous joint projects and campaigns to assist shipowners and seafarers in Europe.  We have also agreed an ambitious work programme for the next biennium” ECSA’s spokesperson, Tim Springett said.


For further information please contact:

Philippe Alfonso, ETF Political Secretary for Maritime Transport

Tel. +, email, @ETFSeafarers  

Karoliina Rasi, Director – Public Affairs & Communications

T +32 2 510 61 34  M +32 476 349 263