“Shipping towards decarbonisation” on 21 June in Antwerp

European shipowners together with the Royal Belgian Shipowners (RBSA) and Wärtsilä organise a symposium on 21 June in Antwerp to discuss maritime transport industry’s role in the evolution towards a sustainable, CO2-neutral economy.

The event will bring together the shipowners with engine makers, ship yards, designers, academia, port authorities and shipping companies to map out technical measures that are realistic in short and long term, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“This discussion is something that the European shipowners want to actively participate in and be part in finding solutions to more sustainable economy. We are committed to developing CO2 reductions across the world merchant fleet that are both ambitious and realistic”, said Patrick Verhoeven, ECSA Secretary General.

“Shipowners and policy-makers have been debating the role of maritime transport in a sustainable economy for many years. The Royal Belgian Shipowners Association has been playing its role as a facilitator in this effort. We see that the gradual evolution towards a CO2-neutral economy is a golden opportunity to be seized by the industry”, added Wilfried Lemmens, RBSA Managing Director.

ECSA President Niels Smedegaard will be addressing the symposium in Antwerp where the course towards decarbonisation will be discussed. Please find more details of the event and register here