European Parliament adopts proposal for new Ship Recycling Regulation

The European Parliament (EP) adopted today at its plenary sitting in Strasbourg a legislative resolution on a new Ship Recycling Regulation by a large majority of the votes. The adopted text is the result of a compromise agreement reached last June in Trilogue between the Council under the Irish Presidency, the Parliament and the Commission.

The compromise covers agreement on the requirements for recycling facilities and certification of facilities located in third countries, as well as on so-called ‘Built structures’ for recycling. Included are also a package on the timeframe for the Inventory of Hazardous Material, its application date and a transitional period, together with a package on sanctions and the exclusion of ships from the Waste Shipment Regulation. Finally, under the terms of the compromise agreement, the Commission is also required to come up with a proposal on the feasibility of an incentive mechanism 3 years after entry into force of the Regulation.
Patrick Verhoeven, Secretary General of ECSA, welcomed the outcome of the vote and added: “ECSA is confident that this agreement between the EU Institutions is not undermining the 2009 Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, (better known as ‘Hong Kong Convention’ or ‘HKC’) and urges Member States to ratify the HKC soonest, allowing a quick application globally.”
The legislative text will be formally adopted by the Council in the near future.