Event | Bringing clean shipping fuels to the market | 9 April 2024
9 April 2024 | 11:00 – 12:30 CET | European Parliament
The European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) and Transport & Environment (T&E) seek to gather policymakers, industry professionals, NGOs and researchers for a Parliamentary event dedicated to sustainable fuels for shipping.
Co-hosted by: MEP Vera Tax (S&D) and MEP Maria Spyraki (EPP)
The shipping industry is a cornerstone of European security: energy security, food security, security of supply of consumer goods. In order for European shipping to maintain its strategic competitiveness while delivering on the Green Deal objectives, we need to get the energy transition right. To meet this goal, low- and zero-carbon fuels in sufficient quantities need to come to the market and become affordable.
How can we incentivise the production of low- and zero- emission fuels for shipping in Europe?
The event will build upon the existing targets of the Fuel EU Maritime Regulation and Renewable Energy Directive and existing resources to brainstorm on which policy tools can be developed to incentivise the production and uptake of low- and zero-carbon fuels for shipping.
Register here by 4 April to secure your place! Places are limited and registrations are subject to confirmation.
Download the event flyer here.
Any questions? Contact us at mail@ecsa.eu