Joint open letter following the seizure of the MSC Aries

ECSA joins 16 maritime industry associations and social partners in a joint industry open letter to the United Nations Secretary General – His Excellency Antonio Guterres – calling for assistance following the seizure of the MSC Aries on Saturday 13 April.

16 maritime industry associations and social partners (ASA, BIMCO, CLIA, ECSA, INTERCARGO, INTERMANAGER, INTERTANKO, IAPH, ICS, IFSMA, IMCA, IMEC, IPTA, ITF, FONASBA and WSC) have co-signed the open letter urgently calling for all member states to be formally reminded of their responsibilities under international law, and ask for every effort possible be brought to bear to release the seafarers and protect the safe transit of ships.

Read the joint industry letter here.