Joint statement from ECSA and ICS on the current situation in the Persian Gulf
Following the seizure of Greek flagged oil tankers “Delta Poseidon” and “Prudent Warrior” on 27 May 2022, the International Chamber of Shipping and the European Community Shipowners’ Association (ECSA) jointly call for a quick and diplomatic resolution in order for the vessels and crew to be released.
Commercial shipping is a major facilitator of international trade that requires all countries to ensure the safe passage of merchant vessels under the Freedom of Navigation protected in Article 87(1)a, and the Right of Innocent Passage defined in Article 19 of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
Guy Platten, Secretary General, International Chamber of Shipping, said:
“Our industry is an international one, and it is vital for our seafarers to not become pawns in political games. The safety and welfare of the crew and vessels remain the priority and it is important to safeguard them against such incidents.”
Sotiris Raptis, Secretary General, ECSA, stated:
“We follow with great concern the unacceptable seizure of two Greek ships in the Persian Gulf. Freedom of navigation under UNCLOS and the right of our seafarers to perform their duties safely are key principles that must be respected. We call for the prompt release of the vessels and their crews .”
The Greek flagged oil tankers “Delta Poseidon” and “Prudent Warrior” were seized on Friday 27 May 2022 in the Persian Gulf and are currently held with nearly 50 seafarers on board.
About ICS
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) is the principal international trade association for merchant shipowners and operators, representing all sectors and trades and over 80% of the world merchant fleet.
About ECSA
ECSA represents 19 national shipowners’ associations based in the EU and Norway. European shipowners control 39.5% of the global commercial fleet, contribute 149 billion euros per year to the EU GDP and provide 2 million Europeans with careers both on board and ashore. ECSA strives for a regulatory environment that fosters the international competitiveness of European shipping, to the benefit of the EU.