Joint statement of European Shipowners and Sea Europe on European Maritime Industrial Strategy and Sustainable Transport Investment Plan
European Shipowners | ECSA and Sea Europe issue today a joint statement calling on the Commission to include the maritime sector in the European Industrial Maritime Strategy […]
European shipping key for Europe’s security with 35% of global fleet, studies find
Ahead of the European Shipping Summit, European Shipowners release today a Deloitte study on the EU Shipping Competitiveness and a CE Delft study on the economic value of European shipping.
European shipping […]
European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) rebrands as European Shipowners
On the occasion of its 60 years, the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) becomes today ECSA European Shipowners, reinforcing its role as the voice of the European shipping industry.
The organisation, which launches today a new logo […]
Shipping People – Meet the European Shipowners
In the fourth edition of the interview series #ShippingPeople – meet the European Shipowners, we hand the microphone to Nikolas Veniamis,
Clean Industrial Deal: Time for urgent action to support industry competitiveness and energy transition
European Shipowners strongly welcome the recognition of shipping under the five sectors across which the Clean Industrial Deal should be implemented. Ensuring targeted investment in the production, distribution, and uptake […]
Joint Public Statement on shipping fuels in the Clean Industrial Deal
The Clean Maritime Fuels Platform, representing the European shipowners and the fuel suppliers, stresses the urgency of developing a European supply chain for clean shipping fuels.
An estimated €40 billion in annual investments required […]
Competitiveness Compass: European Shipowners welcome focus on industry competitiveness and open trade
European Shipowners welcome the focus of European Commission’s new Competitiveness Compass on competitiveness and open trade as a prerequisite to the continent’s security, resilience and growth. Shipping is a cornerstone of Europe’s energy, […]
Full house for the ECSA New Year’s Reception!
It was a pleasure to welcome so many friends and colleagues to the ECSA office for the third edition of our New Year’s Reception. The evening brought together industry […]
Shipping People – Meet the European Shipowners
In the fourth edition of the interview series #ShippingPeople – meet the European Shipowners, we hand the microphone to Catrien Scheers, Chair of Fast Lines Belgium.
Meet Catrien […]
European Shipowners and the European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) launch European Maritime Skills Forum
This initiative aims to identify skills gap emerging from the digital and green transition and discuss the shortage of maritime professionals and […]