

Avoiding the iceberg: EU shipowners’ recommendations for an EU Arctic policy

The legal regime for trans-Arctic shipping is complex and consists of the framework laid down in UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) as well as IMO (International Maritime Organisation) instruments. Presently, some coastal states have unilaterally laid claim to parts of the region and have put...

Wednesday, June 4, 2014 - 16:14

ECSA brings offshore shipping into the fold

In recent years, one of shipping’s more specialised segments, namely service and offshore support vessels, has increased its importance exponentially. The sector includes, among others, ships laying or repairing undersea cables or pipelines, ships prospecting for oil, ships conducting oceanographic research and ships servicing offshore wind, gas and oil installations...

Tuesday, June 3, 2014 - 14:16

European Shipowners welcome Athens Declaration on Maritime Transport Policy

Yesterday, EU Maritime Ministers met in Athens under the chairmanship of the Greek Minister of Shipping, Maritime Affairs and the Aegean, Mr Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, to discuss the mid-term review of the European Commission’s 2009 Maritime Strategy Communication. At the informal meeting, Ministers unanimously adopted a Declaration, which sets out the...

Thursday, May 8, 2014 - 08:05

Filipino seafarers: European Commission acknowledges progress, but ban still pending

In a press release issued last Friday through the EU delegation in Manila, the European Commission confirmed that the Philippine authorities have made substantial efforts to bring their maritime education, training and certification system in line with the requirements of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping...

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - 14:34

Europe and EU shipping: a two-way street

Exhibition 1-1-10On the eve of its Board of Directors meeting, which took place today, ECSA organised a lunch in the European Parliament, followed by a high-level seminar to discuss the economic value of the EU shipping industry, as outlined in the Oxford Economics study commissioned by ECSA.

The lunch was hosted...

Thursday, April 3, 2014 - 15:20

EU - Africa summit an opportunity to highlight piracy

The social partners of the maritime transport sector, ECSA (European Community Shipowners’ Associations) and ETF (European Transport Workers’ Federation), have issued a joint statement ahead of the EU-Africa summit, which takes place in Brussels from 02 to 03 April.

ECSA and ETF seize this opportunity to highlight one of the...

Wednesday, April 2, 2014 - 13:32

Europe remains global fleet's flagship

“Although shipping has seldom been in the limelight, it never ceased to play a substantial role in Europe’s economy” commented Patrick Verhoeven, ECSA Secretary General on today's release of the Oxford Economics study on the economic value of the EU shipping industry. He added: “The EU shipping industry continues to...

Wednesday, April 2, 2014 - 09:04

Shipowners support Commission in extension of liner consortia block exemption

The European Community Shipowners Associations (ECSA), the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the World Shipping Council (WSC)  replied on Friday 28 March to a public consultation launched by the Commission on its proposal to extend the period of application of the so-called liner consortia block exemption regulation (BER) by...

Monday, March 31, 2014 - 13:28