
Shipping is a truly global industry, operating across borders and oceans. To ensure fair competition and a level playing field internationally, regulations should be established at a global level through the International Maritime Organization (IMO). This is a fundamental, guiding principle of shipping regulation.

Through investments in technology, infrastructure and workforce development, European shipowners continuously seek opportunities to bolster the competitiveness of the sector while upholding regulatory standards. Engaging with policymakers in the EU, ECSA advocates for regulations that promote fair competition and create a level playing field in global markets. By fostering an environment conducive to innovation and growth, shipowners contribute to economic prosperity, job creation, and sustainable development in Europe and beyond.

Discover our position papers on competitiveness below.

ECSA Statement on the Mid-Term Review of EU Maritime Transport Policy
Publication Date: May 8, 2014
Topic: Competitiveness
The Liner Shipping Industry supports the Commission’s proposed extension of the Consortia Block Exemption
Publication Date: March 1, 2014
Topic: Competitiveness
Users keen to see the Port Regulation adopted soon
Publication Date: September 1, 2013
Topic: Competitiveness
ECSA Initial Views on the EU Port Policy Proposals
Publication Date: June 14, 2013
Topic: Competitiveness
ECSA/World Shipping Council position paper on public consultation on the European Union e-freight initiative
Publication Date: February 1, 2013
Topic: Competitiveness
ECSA Position Paper on European Ports Policy
Publication Date: December 17, 2012
Topic: Competitiveness
ECSA submission – Commission consultation on the future of the Maritime Antritrust Guidelines
Publication Date: July 5, 2012
Topic: Competitiveness
Tent-T: Consultation on The Future Trans-European Transport Network Policy – Submission by ECSA
Publication Date: September 1, 2010
Topic: Competitiveness
The future for transport
Publication Date: September 29, 2009
Topic: Competitiveness
Commission Communication on a European Ports Policy
Publication Date: January 25, 2008
Topic: Competitiveness
European Ports Policy – ECSA Submission
Publication Date: June 27, 2007
Topic: Competitiveness
Green paper towards a future maritime policy for the Union – ECSA Submission
Publication Date: January 1, 2007
Topic: Competitiveness
White paper: “European Transport Policy for 2010: decision time” – Mid term review
Publication Date: December 28, 2005
Topic: Competitiveness
Future Maritime Policy for the Union
Publication Date: July 13, 2005
Topic: Competitiveness
European Parliament Working Document on Market Access to Port Services
Publication Date: May 19, 2005
Topic: Competitiveness