WESS Final Conference – Registrations are open!
30 November 2022 | 09:00 – 17:00 CET | De Warande, Brussels
Registrations are now open for the final conference of the WESS project – promoting an attractive, smart and sustainable Working Environment in the Shipping Sector.
Shipping is a key contributor to the European economy. It is a sector in fast transition towards decarbonisation and digitalisation. The sustainability and competitiveness of European shipping depend on its ability to continue to attract new professionals and retain experienced seafarers, and invest in improving qualifications to meet the challenges of the green and digital transition.
The WESS project, jointly managed by the European Community Shipowners Associations (ECSA) and the European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) and co-funded by the EU, seeks to promote an attractive, smart and sustainable working environment in the shipping sector.
During the final conference, two panels of experts will discuss the outcome of the project’s deliverables:
- Enhancing participation of women in EU shipping
- Impact of digitalisation on the maritime workforce
Our list of distinguished speakers includes representatives of European institutions, maritime industry, WISTA and academia.
Full agenda coming soon!
! Register at events@ecsa.eu before 21 November 2022 !