For action by 23 May COB – Comments on draft DG MOVE’s study on ship finance

Dear Members,

We would like to inform you that ECSA participated in an ad-hoc expert meeting organised by DG MOVE as part of the ESSF on 16 May. This meeting kicked off a broader discussion on ship financing in the context of the ESSF.

DG MOVE commissioned a study mapping the market gaps regarding ship finance. Besides the draft conclusions presented by the consultants, DG MOVE presented the format of the inventory they plan to launch in June on their website with the aim of gathering information on ship finance products for shipping stakeholders.

For your consideration, we share with you the presentation with the draft conclusions, a short description of the scope of the commissioned study and the inventory template. Please note that these documents are CONFIDENTIAL and should not be shared further.

ECSA was given the possibility to comment on the draft conclusions and on the inventory by COB on 24 May. ECSA is working on the draft comments and will discuss potential inputs with the Task Force on the use of the ETS Revenues on the 23 May. By 23 May COB, Members are invited to send us feedback on these documents.

We stand at your disposal if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Fanny and Katalin

Fanny Lossy


Climate, Environment & Maritime Safety

Bd. du Régent 43-44

1000 Brussels, Belgium

+32 2 510 61 30