
ESS2023 Session: Financing the Green Transition

13 Sep 2023

ECSA and Danish Ship Finance S/A invite you to a European Shipping Summit session on

                                                                       "Financing the Green Transition"

European Shipping Summit, Brussels Museum of Fine Arts, Auditorium 490, Rue du Musée 5, 1000 Bruxelles

                                                                             From 14.30 to 15.30 CET

The transition to more sustainable and environmentally friendly shipping practices requires significant investments in alternative fuels, innovative technologies, and cleaner vessel designs. Ship finance provides the necessary financial support for shipowners to make these investments and implement sustainable solutions.

Access to green finance is vital for the shipping companies to meet their environmental performance criteria, foster innovation and develop the efficiency of the sector. Therefore, understanding financial incentives is key to navigating shipping’s decarbonisation transition.

Ship finance enables the funding of research projects focused on developing low-carbon propulsion systems the retrofitting of existing ships. It aligns economic interests with environmental objectives, fostering the transformation of the shipping industry into a more sustainable and greener sector.

Finally, enhancing funding into the maritime sector not only contributes to the decarbonisation of the sector but also contributes to job creation and economic stability.


Timing: 14.30 – 15:30

Opening: Philippos Philis, ECSA President


  • Anna-Michelle Asimakopoulou, MEP, Committee of Economic and Monetary Affairs. European Parliament
  • Philippe Louis Dreyfus, Chairman, Louis Dreyfus Armateurs SAS

Presentation: Lloyd’s Register case study

Panel Discussion

  • Michael Frisch, Chief Commercial Officer, Danish Ship Finance 
  • Roxana Lesovici, Cabinet Expert of Commissioner for Transport
  • Panagiotis Mitrou, Global Gas Segment Director, Lloyd's Register (tbc)

The session will be moderated by Katalin Dobranszky-BartusSenior Director, ECSA

Want to know more about the European Shipping Summit? Join us on the event's website!

