Maritime Security: ECSA welcomes extension of Coordinated Maritime Presence
The European shipping industry welcomes the EU’s political commitment to the strengthening of maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea and North-Western Indian Ocean.
Two sets of Council Conclusions have been adopted on Monday to […]
European shipowners support EU parliamentary proposal on commercial operators and a sector-dedicated fund
European shipowners welcome the proposal of the European Parliament’s Rapporteur on the EU ETS, MEP Peter Liese, to introduce a requirement for a binding clause in contractual agreements between shipowners […]
Philippos Philis takes over as ECSA president with Karin Orsel as Vice-President
Philippos Philis has been appointed as new ECSA President by the General Assembly for a two-year term starting in January with Karin Orsel as new Vice-President. He succeeds Claes Berglund, who […]
Season’s Greetings from the ECSA team
Supply chain partners in constructive dialogue to overcome logistics challenges
Brussels, 14 December 2021 – Shippers and carriers met yesterday to talk about the causes and effects of recent supply chain disruption coinciding with the COVID 19 pandemic. The meeting brought together a […]
European Shipowners call for further action in the Gulf of Guinea
Latest incident involving Danish frigate highlights severity of piracy threat in the Gulf of Guinea
European shipowners are extremely concerned about piracy attacks in the Gulf of Guinea. The latest incident in South […]
ECSA at UN climate change conference COP26
ECSA is a shipping association partner of the shipping conference organised by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) on the 6th of November on the margins of UNFCCC COP26 in Glasgow. The ‘Shaping the future […]
European shipowners support commercial operators to bear the costs of EU ETS and call for a sector-dedicated fund
ECSA published today its policy paper on the EU ETS proposal. European shipowners welcome the increased climate ambition of the ‘Fit for […]
European shipowners support the uptake of clean fuels but fear FuelEU may become missed opportunity due to enforcement loopholes
ECSA supports the objective of the FuelEU Maritime proposal to foster the uptake of cleaner fuels in shipping. However, the proposal may become a […]
Management change
Having tangibly assisted in setting up and led the current Secretariat team at ECSA for 4 years, Martin Dorsman, Secretary General at ECSA, and in agreement with the ECSA Board of Directors, has decided to seek other work challenges, as of […]