

Open Letter: EU Member States must enable crew changes to take place without further delays and prioritise seafarers for vaccination

2020 Report of the ‘Economic Value of the EU Shipping Industry” by Oxford Economics

COVID-19 Joint statement of ECSA, EMPA and ETF on protective measures to minimise risks between crew and shore based personnel boarding a ship

Joint industry statement on COVID-19: Transport keeps us going

Oxford Economics Report: The Economic Value of the EU Shipping Industry, 2020 Update

Indonesia - Market Access Barrier

ECSA position paper on the VAT treatment of passenger transport

ECSA position paper on the Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 2006/112/EC on the common system of VAT as regards a standard VAT return

ECSA Table Overview on VAT rules scenarios

ECSA General Paper on the on the economic effects of the current VAT rules for passenger transport