

Crucial role of national health services in ensuring that crew changes are able to take place in EU ports.

Urgent request from the Shipping Industry for Decisive Commission and Member State Action to enable crew changes in EU Ports through Visa Facilitation

COVID-19 Joint statement of ECSA, EMPA and ETF on protective measures to minimise risks between crew and shore based personnel boarding a ship

Report of ECSA's COVID-19 Survey

Joint ECSA_ETF Letter to Commissioner Valean

ECSA and ETF call for coordinated EU action on crew changes

Shipping industry requests European Commission to put public consultations and impact assessments on hold

How shipping, including short sea shipping, compares favourably to other modes of transport on CO2 emissions

Joint industry statement on COVID-19: Transport keeps us going

Joint letter by ECSA and ETF to the Council on urgent regulatory measures for the shipping industry