Career Mapping Update 2013
The European maritime community faces a major challenge in training sufficient numbers of young people to adequately supply the current and future needs of European Union Member States commercial trading fleets. There is also a huge, and growing, demand for European trained and qualified seafarers, both officers and ratings, to work in the numerous and varied industrial sectors that to some extent rely on a steady stream of seafarers qualified in accordance with the IMO Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Convention (STCW).
This research project – the Career Mapping Update 2013 (CM2) – initiated by the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) and the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), and funded by the European Commission, is aimed at addressing these challenges full-on. The terms of reference stressed the need for practical solutions to problems seafarers might face in their career mobility and progression both at sea and between positions at sea and on shore and the need to address barriers to career mobility for all seafarers, ratings as well as officers.
It is hoped that the findings and the recommendations contained in the Final Report have achieved these objectives and will provide, for consideration by the European social partners and the Commission, a range of measures designed to address the various problems highlighted in this Report.
This research project could not have been completed without the active and enthusiastic input of nearly 2,000 trainees, active and ex-seafarers of all nationalities, shipowners and maritime trade unions, maritime organisations, maritime education and training institutions, commercial training and recruitment companies as well as a great range of individuals who generously offered their advice and guidance. Particular thanks are offered to members and affiliates of ECSA and ETF for their invaluable input into the research.
The result is the most extensively researched project of its kind that has ever been undertaken. Highlighted throughout this Report are comments made by real seafarers and real ex-seafarers in their questionnaire responses. These encapsulate many of the issues raised by the research and they add weight to the recommendations which have been made to address the problems that have been revealed.
The names of the individual contributors or organisations who agreed to be interviewed as part of this research, or who contributed in other ways, are listed in Appendix 3 of the final Report. Their generous advice and wisdom is warmly acknowledged.
Click on the link below to download the final report of the Career Mapping Update 2013 (CM2) research project.
The project ended in 2017.