

Shipping to be key ingredient of the EU’s Africa agenda

The African economy has become one of the most promising global growth markets. Shipping is taking care of the largest part of international trade and in Africa this is even more the case due to less developed land infrastructure. European shipowners strongly believe that maritime services are enablers of trade...

Friday, April 29, 2016 - 09:21

ECSA looks forward to the improvement of the shipping conditions in the Arctic

European shipowners believe that the three priority areas of the new EU Arctic Policy Communication published by the Commission this week address all topical Arctic matters. Climate change and environment, sustainable development and international cooperation in the Arctic are equally important.

“We appreciate the focus of the EU to the...

Thursday, April 28, 2016 - 09:23

European shipowners are pleased: IMO continues its course on CO2 reduction of shipping


European shipowners are pleased: IMO continues its course on CO2 reduction of shipping


European shipowners welcome the significant progress made this week at the 69th session of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC). The basic features of a global CO2 data collection system have been agreed upon...
Friday, April 22, 2016 - 13:03

Member States are called upon to create a Short Sea Shipping friendly framework

>Member States are called upon to create a Short Sea Shipping friendly framework

European shipowners hope that the momentum created by the Dutch Presidency’s High Level Event on Short Sea Shipping held in Amsterdam last February will result in maritime directors putting Short Sea Shipping on the top priority list...

Thursday, April 21, 2016 - 09:09

European shipowners call upon EU Member States to support global CO2 agenda for shipping

EU Transport and Environment Ministers meet 14-15 April in Amsterdam for an informal joint Council meeting under the Dutch EU Presidency. The agenda features a discussion on how Member States could make a positive and constructive contribution to achieve an international framework of CO2 reduction commitments.
“We fully...
Wednesday, April 13, 2016 - 13:31

ECSA appointment news

ECSA appoints new Director Public Affairs and CommunicationsKaroliina pic

ECSA, European Community Shipowners’ Associations has appointed Ms. Karoliina Rasi as Director Public Affairs and Communications to join its team in Brussels taking over from Dimitrios Banas.

Originally from Finland, Karoliina has over 18 years of experience in public affairs and public...

Thursday, March 31, 2016 - 08:37

Ports Regulation: text up for adoption in Parliament leaves a lot to be desired

Tomorrow, Members of the European Parliament will be voting on the EU Ports Regulation and, more specifically, on rapporteur Knut Fleckenstein’s report, which was previously adopted by the Transport (TRAN) Committee.

Overall, European shipowners are disappointed with the TRAN text, which was supposed to address a longstanding request from port...

Monday, March 7, 2016 - 14:17

European shipowners showcase Short Sea Shipping

During a high level meeting organised by the Dutch Presidency of the Council yesterday in Amsterdam, ECSA presented its new brochure on the merits of short sea shipping. The intention behind this new initiative is to revitalise the EU’s short sea policy, which has unfortunately been neglected in the past...

Tuesday, February 16, 2016 - 15:03

Environment Commissioner Vella’s scrubber visit in Ghent

MIX 3606European Environment Commissioner Karmenu Vella visited last Friday the DFDS vessel “Magnolia Seaways” in the port of Ghent. The purpose of the ECSA-organised visit was to demonstrate how a scrubber functions onboard a modern day vessel and explain the challenges arising from the operation of such equipment.

Following the visit...

Monday, February 1, 2016 - 13:27