

Shipping industry calls for action following the attack on the MV Tutor and cargo ship Verbena

EVENT | Ensuring a people-centred transition: Upskilling and reskilling in the Shipping industry

Joint open letter on seafarers still trapped in Ukraine

Joint Statement: Recovery and Resilience Facility | Transport keeps us going forward

Maritime social partners request the European Commission to follow up on prompt and predictable disembarkation of rescued people in distress at sea

2020 Report of the ‘Economic Value of the EU Shipping Industry” by Oxford Economics

Open Letter: Shipping industry calls on Commission to ensure the EU Migration Pact is complemented by measures to ensure merchant vessels are guaranteed prompt and predictable disembarkations for persons rescued at sea by merchant vessels

Joint Statement on Access to B2B Data in Transport

EU Recovery Package: ECSA's initial input & priorities

Joint statement: European employers are committed to create the conditions for return to employment, job creation and better skills matching as part of the recovery