Social Affairs

Seafarers are the backbone of the maritime transport industry, as they play a crucial role in EU and international trade by facilitating the transportation of goods and resources across the world. Under the ongoing green and digital transformation of Europe, the role of seafarers becomes even more important. As the technologically advanced ships will require new digital and green skills the immediate reskilling and upskilling of seafarers is imperative. European shipowners are striving to support a people-centred transition and improve seafarers’ working conditions by upholding international frameworks such as STCW, ILO MLC and UNCLOS .

Diversity can bring unique skills, increase creativity, bring better leadership, drive innovation and foster a more inclusive working environments. For this reason, enhancing the participation of women and underrepresented groups in EU shipping is key. ECSA is the EU recognised social partner for maritime transport and is committed to continuing its work with the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) on these and others matters to maintain and build on the successes of the EU Sectoral Social Dialogue.

Read our position papers on social affairs below.

ECSA-ETF joint position on the mid-term review of the European Maritime Strategy
Publication Date: May 20, 2015
Topic: Social Affairs
ETF and ECSA joint statement on endorsement of EP rapporteur’s report on exclusions of seafarers
Publication Date: April 1, 2015
Topic: Social Affairs
ETF and ECSA joint delaration on the risks of the Ebola virus and guidance to stay safe for crews onboard
Publication Date: January 1, 2015
Topic: Social Affairs
High Speed Craft (HSC) Code-Safe manning interpretation in the EU
Publication Date: June 5, 2014
Topic: Social Affairs
ECSA position: Corporate Social Responsibility – Commission proposal on reporting of non-financial and diversity information
Publication Date: May 30, 2013
Topic: Social Affairs
ECSA position paper on Offshore Workers Vessels
Publication Date: December 20, 2012
Topic: Social Affairs
Tender – Update of the carrer mapping study – Tender specifications for subcontracting external expertise – Submissions invited by latest 30th june 2012.
Publication Date: June 30, 2012
Topic: Social Affairs
ECSA Project: Enhancing Recruitment and Training in the Maritime Sector in Europe: tender for study on best practices
Publication Date: January 1, 2009
Topic: Social Affairs
ECSA-ETF Project: The Mapping of Career paths in the Maritime Industries
Publication Date: November 16, 2005
Topic: Social Affairs
ECSA-ETF Project: The Mapping of Career paths in the Maritime Industries
Publication Date: November 16, 2005
Topic: Social Affairs
ECSA – ETF Guidelines on Eliminating Workplace Harassment & Bullying” Also available in German (DE), Greek (EL), Italian (IT), Latvian (LV), Lithuanian (LT), Polish (PL), Portuguese (PT), Spanish (SP), Swedish (SV), Danish (DA), Dutch (NL), English (EN),
Publication Date: July 19, 2005
Topic: Social Affairs